Cloud Migration vs On-Premise Setup

May 20, 2022

Cloud Migration vs On-Premise Setup: Which One Should You Choose?

Are you planning to set up your IT infrastructure? Considering whether to choose traditional on-premise servers or to migrate your operations to the cloud? We believe that knowledge is power, and we're here to provide you with all the information that you need to make an informed decision.

Understanding the Terminology

Before we dive into comparing the two options, let's clear up some terms.

On-premise refers to infrastructure that you host within your own premises, managed by your IT team or a contracted IT vendor.

Cloud refers to infrastructure hosted by a third-party provider, whose responsibility it is to manage and maintain it.

Cloud Migration Vs On-Premise Setup

Both options have their pros and cons, and the choice you ultimately make will depend on your specific needs and budget. Here are some factors to consider when deciding between cloud migration and on-premise setup:


Probably one of the biggest considerations is cost. Cloud providers typically charge on the basis of usage, and you can scale up or down as you need. With an on-premise setup, you'll typically find higher upfront costs, as you'll need to purchase hardware and software licenses.

A study by Gartner found that "the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the cloud setup is more efficient than an on-premise setup." However, the report also claims that the cost difference depends on the particular workload and usage plan.


Your IT infrastructure requires high-level security, and in this regard, the cloud is the winner hands down. Cloud service providers have security experts on their teams who must stay up-to-date with the latest security best practices, which is not always possible for a smaller company or IT team. As we reported in our previous post, the centralized management of cloud data can lead to better security.

At the same time, on-premise setups provide you with more control over your data and, therefore, more opportunities to secure it. With an on-premise setup, you can create tighter physical security measures and tailor your digital security protocols to your specific needs.


Cloud providers are responsible for the maintenance and upgrades of the physical resources that they provide, allowing for more uptime and fewer interruptions. On-premise solutions, on the other hand, require your own IT team or vendor to handle the maintenance, which can lead to delays and disruptions during upgrades.


Scalability is another advantage cloud providers have over an on-premise setup. Cloud providers can easily adjust to usage demands through a pay-as-you-go model while scaling up with an on-premise setup might require you to purchase more hardware and software licenses.


All factors considered, it’s clear that both cloud migration and on-premise setups have their merits. But as technology changes, so should the way enterprises consider their infrastructure.

Before choosing which option is right for you, consider factors such as budget, security, maintenance, and scalability. One thing is for sure - the IT infrastructure industry will only continue to evolve, and you'll want to keep up with the times.

Whatever you decide, Flare Compare can help you find the IT infrastructure solution that suits your distinct needs – with unbeatable prices, expert advice, and world-class customer service.


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